Exceptional quality from Domeniile Săhăteni

Monterai Resort wine tasting – for enthusiasts, initiates or laymen in the secrets of wine. We regularly organize tastings and sit for leisurely stories about the exceptional wines created by one of the best-known Romanian oenologists and producers, Mrs. Aurelia Vișinescu.
In fact, all the wines served in our restaurant and complex bear his signature. They are produced at Domeniile Săhăteni, so any visit to Monterai Resort is an opportunity to discover or rediscover them.
Those interested in participating can join our customer base using the form below. Thus you will periodically receive information about the scheduled tastings.
“As partners of the Săhăteni Domains, we offer you exclusive access to the entire collection of exceptional Aurelia Vișinescu wines, to appreciate the true value of a high-quality wine.”

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